To know the list of 8051 programs click
The first page should have only your information. Next page onwards the programs should be there. You have to include the proper comments or else write the algorithm for each program.
To know your Assignment programs click.
To see the sample report click.
2) The hard copy of the assignment should be submitted on 29/04/2014.
3) The soft copy should be sent to
4) Groups 1-7 must submit their assignments to Group 1.
Groups 8-14 must submit their assignments to Group 8.
Groups 15-21 must submit their assignments to Group 15.
Groups 22-29 must submit their assignments to Group 22.
5) There is a slight change in questions 45 and 48:
45) Write a program to shift a 16 bit data, 1 bit to the right. Assume that data is in DPTR.
48) Write a program to count the number of 1’s in the external memory location and store the count in the R0 register.
The first page should have only your information. Next page onwards the programs should be there. You have to include the proper comments or else write the algorithm for each program.
To know your Assignment programs click.
To see the sample report click.
Instructions to the students:
1) Put the question numbers as given to you, do not change them. (Do not number as 1,2,3 etc.).Groups 8-14 must submit their assignments to Group 8.
Groups 15-21 must submit their assignments to Group 15.
Groups 22-29 must submit their assignments to Group 22.
5) There is a slight change in questions 45 and 48:
45) Write a program to shift a 16 bit data, 1 bit to the right. Assume that data is in DPTR.
48) Write a program to count the number of 1’s in the external memory location and store the count in the R0 register.