Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Hello student friends

The crash course on “Microprocessor 8085” will starts from 27/01/2016 in MBA seminar hall, all the students are here by informed to assemble in the hall before 5:00PM. 

Think before u do any mistake

Dear students friends
only few students have filled the form. 

Note: Never write somebody USN and never write something (Not good). I have already caught many such students in previous years, for more information about that you can talk/contact to your final year students or visit the older posts in ITC blog. One student has done in this batch also, i inform that student to come to my staff room meet me within a day or two. 

Fill the form as early as possible. click 

If the student did not come to my staff room, within two days i will call few students to my staff room to catch that student.   

Monday, 25 January 2016

Hello students friends
Kindly fill the reason for the marks difference in CAT and End sem exams. click 

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Hello student friends, Attend the 8051 (All subject also) beginning classes without fail so that you feel comfortable to understand the subject. If you attend the crash course on "Microprocessor 8085", it will be an added advantage to you. click