Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Shortage of attendance

All the students are here by informed to share this blog link to their parents without fail.
The following students are having the shortage of attendance as on 29/01/2019.
Sl.No USN Roll No Student Name
  01   2SD16EC012   201   ANUSHA
  02   2SD16EC053   202   MADHURMANOJ
  03   2SD16EC066   203   PAVITHRA
  04   2SD17EC004   205   AISHWARYA
  05   2SD17EC010   209   AKSHATA
  06   2SD17EC013   211   AKSHAY
  07   2SD17EC014   212   AMBIKA
  08   2SD17EC017   213   ANJALI
  09   2SD17EC021   216   BHANUKUMAR
  10   2SD17EC023   217   CHANDRAKANT
  11   2SD17EC035   221   HARSHITA
  12   2SD17EC043   224   KIRANA KUMAR
  13   2SD17EC047   226   LOKESH
  14   2SD17EC048   227   M CHINNA BALANJINEYULU
  15   2SD17EC049   228   MADHURI
  16   2SD17EC057   232   MYTRI
  17   2SD17EC063   233   NIKITA
  18   2SD17EC069   236   POOJA
  19   2SD17EC082   241   RISHABH
  20   2SD17EC084   243   SABEEHA
  21   2SD17EC086   245   SACHIN
  22   2SD17EC087   246   SAGAR
  23   2SD17EC090   248   SANJANA
  24   2SD17EC094   250   SHANKAR
  25   2SD17EC095   251   SHRADDHA
  26   2SD17EC102   254   SIDDARTH
  27   2SD17EC108   256   T MADHAVA
  28   2SD17EC109   257   TUSHAR
  29   2SD17EC118   263   VIJAYANANDA
  30   2SD16EC004   269   AKASH
  31   2SD18EC420   273   SHREEDEVI
  32   2SD18EC410   275   MANJUNATH
  33   2SD18EC414   276   PRIYANKA

Wednesday, 23 January 2019


All the students are here by informed to take color printout of 8051 RAM click and One page Black and white print of instruction set summary click (First page) without fail and should bring to the class either in the plastic cover or laminated so that u can keep with you for one semester. You are also informed to see the 8051 Memory organization Video click.

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Welcome to this Blog

Hello student friends I am handling Micro-Controller subject for B div IV semester.