Sunday, 14 April 2024

Programs discussed in the classes (last week)

 1) To add N natural numbers

2) BCD input -Addition nibble wise: Ex  45 then R5=5+4=09

3) Toggle the port 1 by sending 55H and AAh continuously with delay. Using Subroutine

4) Two digit BCD number is stored in memory location 30H. Unpack the BCD number and store the two digits in memory locations 31H and 32H.  30H is 49  then 31H will be 04 and  32H will be 09

5) Write a program to count number of 1's in the contents of r2 register and store the count in the r3 register.

6) Find the largest number in a block of data. The length of the block is in memory location 30H and the block itself starts from memory location 31H. Store the maximum number in memory location 40H. Assume that the numbers in the block are all 8 bit unsigned binary numbers.

7) Count even numbers

8) Find sum of odd numbers

9) Find the sum of even numbers

10) Find the sum of even numbers and odd numbers 

11) Find the square of a number stored in 30h and store result in 31h and 32h. 

12) Delay Calculations

13) Add two numbers external data  30002=3001+3000

14) Find number of negatives and positives in a given array

15) Search and count how many times the given byte of memory 30h has appeared in the given array starts from 32h onwards. The length of the array is in 31h. store result in r5.

16) Multi byte BCD additions 

 17) Separate even numbers from an given array. Array starts from 30H and store the Even numbers in location 40H onwards. (Choose length of the array)

18) Consider external memory -Repeat all the programs. Consider external  and internal mixed then write a programs

19) Find the cube of a number stored in 30h and store result in 31h and 32h. 

20) Generate Fibonacci numbers

For more programs list  click 

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