Saturday, 20 February 2016

CAT 1 Marks of 8051 Microcontroller

8051       Sub code:11UECC407         CAT: 1 Marks
101 Abhay G Balwally 2SD14EC001 5
102 Abhijit Talli 2SD14EC002 18
103 Abhijith Satish Desai 2SD14EC003 17
104 Abhishek S Ghodageri 2SD14EC004 15
105 Abu Bakr Waremani 2SD14EC005 16
106 Afreen G 2SD14EC006 15
107 Afrid Ahamed Yadalli 2SD14EC007 10
108 Aishwarya B Patil 2SD14EC008 15
109 Aishwarya R Kowdi 2SD14EC010 15
110 Akshata R aju Koparde 2SD14EC011 12
111 Amar Prakash 2SD14EC012 8
112 Ameya Khatawkar 2SD14EC013 14
113 Ankit A Kulkarni 2SD14EC014 16
114 Anupam Kurian Thomas 2SD14EC015 15
115 Appurva S Acharya 2SD14EC016 16
116 Atmeeya Vanakudre 2SD14EC018 17
117 Spoorthi V Kiresur 2SD14EC104 16
118 Basanagouda Shivalinga Patil 2SD14EC019 15
119 Basavaraj Ganachari 2SD14EC020 12
120 Bhagyashree Kinagi 2SD14EC021 17
121 Bhargavi Nagaraj Naik 2SD14EC022 17
122 Bhargavi K 2SD14EC023 16
123 Chavan Ekta Mohan 2SD14EC024 14
124 Chinmay Kulkarni 2SD14EC025 14
125 D PrashantKumar 2SD14EC026 17
126 Deeksha Bhandary 2SD14EC027 19
127 G Sunanda 2SD14EC028 9
128 Goutamkumar T Kalburgi 2SD14EC029 18
129 Harish Nagesh Sajji 2SD14EC031 14
130 Himashree Sanjeev Inamdar 2SD14EC032 8
131 Janaki B 2SD14EC033 15
132 Junaid Gouher 2SD14EC034 17
133 Jyoti M Goudar 2SD14EC035 11
134 Karthik B Bhavikatti 2SD14EC037 12
135 Kartik S Kattimath 2SD14EC038 8
136 Keerti M Naik 2SD14EC040 12
137 Kiran Kannur 2SD14EC041 19
138 Kusuma Gurunath Madival 2SD14EC043 16
139 Lachchappa Rathod 2SD14EC044 9
140 Lakshmi Nair 2SD14EC045 13
141 M V Ananya 2SD14EC046 14
142 Madhushree S Ashtaputre 2SD14EC047 14
143 Mahima Mahabaleshwar Acharya 2SD14EC048 14
144 Manasa S Joshi 2SD14EC049 12
145 Manjunath Irabageri B 2SD14EC050 16
146 Manjunath Kunte 2SD14EC051 14
147 Md.Shaayan Hussain 2SD14EC052 14
8051       Sub code:11UECC407         CAT: 1 Marks
148 Meghana Dolli 2SD14EC053 12
149 Mitali Agarwal 2SD14EC055 13
150 Mohammed Rehan Kittur 2SD14EC056 12
151 Moin Sawar 2SD14EC057 8
152 Moka Venkata Rupesh 2SD14EC058 13
153 Namrata Hanumantacharya Bhadri 2SD14EC060 9
154 Nidhi Kiran Joshi 2SD14EC061 13
155 Nidhi Shri 2SD14EC062 14
156 Nishant Kumar Ojha 2SD14EC063 7
157 Noorahammad Mahiboob Hiremani 2SD14EC064 13
158 Onkar Kotur 2SD14EC065 14
159 Parameshwarappa B Dodmani 2SD14EC067 13
160 Pavan M S 2SD14EC068 16
161 Pavitra D Kulkarni 2SD14EC069 15
162 Pooja C H 2SD14EC070 15
163 Radhika Ratnam Pandey 2SD14EC079 11
164 Pooja Fakkeerappa Tegginakeri 2SD14EC071 14
165 Pooja Ingalagi 2SD14EC072 17
166 Prafulkumar Patil 2SD14EC073 19
167 Preeti Jadhav 2SD14EC075 9
168 Shahzeb Hussain 2SD14EC088 18
169 Kailashshivsharma T 2SD13EC038  
170 Vishal V H 2SD13EC122  
171 Akashaya Mutalik 2SD13EC003 4
172 Keshavkumar S Durgakeri 2SD14EC129 16
173 Aishwarya M Kotennavar 2SD14EC130 15
174 Vishwanatha Asundi 2SD14EC131 17
175 Sourabh R Patil 2SD14EC103 13
179 Dheeraj Kumar Jain 2SD13EC023 9

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Not permitted for CAT 1

The following students are not permitted to write IA 1 of 8051 subject.

A Division
2SD14EC075 Preeti Jadhav and 2SD13EC122 Vishal  2SD14EC044 Lachchappa Rathod
B Division
2SD14EC082 Rahul Mallick   And  2SD14EC111 Shweta 

Monday, 15 February 2016

Best of luck for your CAT exam

Hello student friends
Students those who are absent for today 8051 class are here by informed to go through the portion covered and do the home work  and bring it to the class on Monday (B Div)/ Saturday (A Div).  Wish you all Best of luck for your CAT exams. 

Friday, 12 February 2016

CAT 1 Portion

Dear student friends hope all of you have started studying as your cat exams are near. Feel free to ask your doubts in the class or you can come to staff room in the given time. I want every student should become expert in writing 8051 programs. Wish you Best of luck for your CAT exam. Do well.  The portion for CAT 1 is : 

Microprocessors and microcontroller: Introduction, Overview of 8085 Microprocessor, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, RISC & CISC CPU Architectures, Harvard & Von-Neumann CPU architecture. The 8051 Architecture-Block diagram, Pin Configuration, 8051 port structure.                             8 Hrs.
Addressing Modes and Operations: Introduction, Addressing modes, External data transfer, Code Memory, Read Only Data transfer / Indexed Addressing modes, PUSH and POP Opcodes, Data exchanges, Example Programs; Byte level logical Operations, Bit level Logical Operations, Rotate and Swap Operations, Example Programs. Arithmetic Operations: Flags, Incrementing and Decrementing, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Example-programs.                           8 Hrs. 
                       and Programs 

Monday, 8 February 2016

Inform your parents about this blog

Dear student friends
inform about this blog to your parents or caretaker so that they can see your CAT marks, Attendance as well as other academic information of you in 8051 Micro-controller subject. 

8051 Micro-controller Lab - Termwork

In the journal following should be written in the beginning
  • ·       With neat diagram explain the 8051 architecture.
  • ·       List and Explain the commands used in the software B30DRV.
  • ·       Instruction set (Xerox or Hand written).
  • ·       About the Keil software

The Journal formatà
LHS (white) : Flow chart ;  RHS (Ruled) Problem/Program statement
                                          Program with comments
                                 Inputs and Outputs
  Note: All the wave-forms should be drawn in the graph sheets.

Term work  
1.     Write an ALP to count the number of ones in a given byte.
2.     Write a ALP to transfer block of data
a.     From internal memory to external memory.
b.     From external memory to external memory.
3.     Write an ALP to generate
a.     First ‘n’ numbers of Fibonacci series.
b.     First ‘n’ natural numbers divisible by 3 and 7
4.     Write an ALP to arrange the numbers in ascending / descending order.
5.     Write an ALP to find the factorial of a number between 1and 8.
6.     Write an ALP to find the square of a given number and store the result in the register R5.
7.     Write a program
a.     To find the sum of even and odd numbers in a given array.
b.     To count the number of positive and negative numbers in a given array, starting address is 3000H.
8.     Write an ALP to
a.     convert HEX to BCD
b.     BCD to HEX
c.      BCD to ASCII and ASCII to BCD
9.     Write a program to separate even numbers from the given list of 10 numbers and store them in another list starting from 50H. Assume that starting address of 10 number lists is 30H.
10.          Write a program to display a Binary up Counter on PORT 1. It should count from 00 to FFH and it should increment after every few seconds

Note: In the exams any programs other than listed above may be asked.

Saturday, 6 February 2016


All the students of B and A Division are here by informed to execute minimum 5 programs  (small) and bring it to the class room without fail on Monday and Tuesday respectively. 

Keil Help

All the students are here by informed to practice the working on Keil software. Form 11/02/2016 onward you will be asked to do simulation in Keil software in the classes and labs.
For detail Keil Help click
Just to know how to work on Keil click 

Attendance Shortage in Micro-controller Subject

The following students are having attendance shortage 

2SD14EC019    2SD14EC021    2SD14EC024    2SD14EC025    2SD14EC028   2SD14EC034     2SD14EC035  2SD14EC040    2SD14EC043    2SD14EC046    2SD14EC052    2SD14EC053    2SD14EC056   2SD14EC057     2SD14EC065   2SD14EC079     2SD14EC071     2SD14EC072    2SD14EC073    2SD14EC075   2SD14EC088    2SD13EC038     2SD13EC122    2SD13EC003   2SD14IS002   2SD14EC103

2SD14EC076    2SD14EC080    2SD14EC081    2SD14EC082    2SD14EC087    2SD14EC090   2SD14EC098   2SD14EC099    2SD14EC100   2SD14EC110     2SD14EC111    2SD14EC112    2SD14EC114    2SD14EC117

A K Vidyasree      Avinasha Rathoda         Jayamma N Savadi         Nikitha       Priyanka         Raghavendra M   Rahul More       Sachin Patil         Sampada Ranade        Shetteppa Chalawadi        Vasu K