Monday, 8 February 2016

8051 Micro-controller Lab - Termwork

In the journal following should be written in the beginning
  • ·       With neat diagram explain the 8051 architecture.
  • ·       List and Explain the commands used in the software B30DRV.
  • ·       Instruction set (Xerox or Hand written).
  • ·       About the Keil software

The Journal formatà
LHS (white) : Flow chart ;  RHS (Ruled) Problem/Program statement
                                          Program with comments
                                 Inputs and Outputs
  Note: All the wave-forms should be drawn in the graph sheets.

Term work  
1.     Write an ALP to count the number of ones in a given byte.
2.     Write a ALP to transfer block of data
a.     From internal memory to external memory.
b.     From external memory to external memory.
3.     Write an ALP to generate
a.     First ‘n’ numbers of Fibonacci series.
b.     First ‘n’ natural numbers divisible by 3 and 7
4.     Write an ALP to arrange the numbers in ascending / descending order.
5.     Write an ALP to find the factorial of a number between 1and 8.
6.     Write an ALP to find the square of a given number and store the result in the register R5.
7.     Write a program
a.     To find the sum of even and odd numbers in a given array.
b.     To count the number of positive and negative numbers in a given array, starting address is 3000H.
8.     Write an ALP to
a.     convert HEX to BCD
b.     BCD to HEX
c.      BCD to ASCII and ASCII to BCD
9.     Write a program to separate even numbers from the given list of 10 numbers and store them in another list starting from 50H. Assume that starting address of 10 number lists is 30H.
10.          Write a program to display a Binary up Counter on PORT 1. It should count from 00 to FFH and it should increment after every few seconds

Note: In the exams any programs other than listed above may be asked.

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